Male Body Shape Strategies Three Tips To Get You Tracking

Body image sensitivities are no longer the exclusive domain of girls and women. Male body shape issues, whether in the gym...on the beach...or at the work place matter. Standards for success encourage men to shape up your body, remove unwanted body hair, reduce a bulging fat tummy and accompanying love handles, even consider chest and calf implants in order to create a more sexy manly male body shape.

Good news for men is that you have an increasingly effective menu of body contouring options in order to get the job done right, and now!

* Targeted Exercise Plans. Custom tailored body shaping through myriad exercise programs remains the traditional standby option.

* Low Impact Non Surgical Body Contouring. However, men now actively pursue male body shape goals via low impact non surgical cosmetic procedures, some treatments utilizing seriously high tech body fat reducing gizmos professionally administered and proven effective in delivering immediate results like reducing a fat waist.

* Dramatic Results With Cosmetic Surgery. The body contouring Big Guns remain the industry trend-setting liposuction, body lift and liposuction cosmetic procedures which, alone or in combination procedures deliver dramatic results...removing pounds and inches!

Male Body Shape - Targeted Exercise That Delivers Results. The practical facts about exercise is that you need lots of need 5 to 7 days a week commitment in order to truly get-and-hold your body shaping need a lot of knowledge about techniques that relate to stretching, strength, balance, calorie-burning and diet.

* Hard Body Traditional Exercise Option. For you guys who are Type A disciplined, you'll simply need some sweats and a t-shirt and you'll be off running, biking, lifting weights, hiking, kayaking...whatever. But, hey, you guys aren't typically the ones having male body shape concerns.

* Yoga Booty Ballet Hybrid Body Shaping Plan. The rest of the population of dough-boy bodies needs hybrid body shaping exercise programs with a lot of intelligence built into them so that you get fast results, in the shortest period of time. One such increasingly popular 'hybrid' is the Yoga Booty Ballet at-home or club exercise plan. Yoga Booty Ballet blends the balance and strength of yoga and ballet, adds in mediation and a wide range of stretches, and a huge amount of highly aerobic dance moves that literally melt pounds of fat and inches off your body.

Male Body Shape - Low Impact Non Surgical Body Fat Reduction. Non invasive body contouring surgery is seriously hot. Men want to avoid the greater costs, 'down time' and health risks of surgery such as scarring, infection or surgeon's design error creating weird male body shape asymmetries. The new hot high tech low impact procedures harness light energy...either radio frequency or ultrasound literally melt body fat in targeted treatment areas. Think of results such as removing 1 to 2 pounds of unwanted breast fat, reduce love handles, or trim back arm fat! Check out proprietary Thermage for FDA face fat and skin tightening needs, or Vaser liposuction for ultrasonic assisted body fat removal, or Lipodissolve for literally dissolving body fat cells for natural elimination by your body.

Male Body Shape Goals Realized Dramatically With Cosmetic Surgery. If you've got a lined furrowed brow, huge fat chin and jowls, saggy skin and upper arm fat, female like fat breast shape, a big fat stomach, huge thigh fat and just all-over male body shape issues, then cosmetic surgery might be a great choice.

* Lower Body Lift deals with your entire girth, including inner thigh fat and a fat butt.

* Tummy Tuck procedures can safely reduce sagging loose skin

* Liposuction can remove up to 9 pounds or more of unwanted body fat from a treatment area.

Cosmetic surgery is elective and off-plan, so you'll want to get a prior health screening, interview at least three surgeons, get a detailed cost estimate, apply for the many patient financing plans now available, and read-up on the sorts of health risks carried by surgery.

Additional male body shape resources are available at:

Ultrasound Body Shaping:

Flat Stomach Options:

Author Robin Derry is publisher for, a specialty information site that gives solutions to body image and body shaping needs.

How Hair Transplant Surgery is Performed

Are you starting to bald? Are you thinking about having a hair transplant performed, but you don't know enough about it? If you are, you are not alone. More and more people are electing to have this treatment performed every year. For those who are interested, but need more information, the following will provide what you are looking for.

The scalp then gets sutured or stapled together and the donor hairs are given to technicians. The technicians remove each individual hair follicle and place them into a saline solution where they will await transplant. In the mean time, the surgeon is busy cutting small incisions into the front of the head within the hairline that was drawn earlier. There needs to be a separate incision for every follicle that is to be transplanted. This number can be as high as 2,000 per transplant.

In about a week or so, the incisions have started to heal, the scabs have fallen off, however, it will take up to a year for real hair growth to appear. In order to avoid further hair transplant procedures from needing to be performed, it is recommended that the patient use a drug such as Propecia. The continued use of this drug will help to minimize the need for another surgery.

The first step involved in a hair transplant is for the surgeon to draw a replacement hairline for the patient. Then the scalp is numbed and the donor hairs, usually from the back of the head, are shaved. Once this is completed, the skin that the donor hairs are attached to is removed from the head.

As a man ages, he looses hair. There is not much that can be done to stop this from happening. There are topical and oral drugs that can be taken to slow the process, but if they are stopped, the hair loss resumes. A person can use cover ups such as toupees or hair weaves, but they really do not look very natural. Enter the hair transplant surgery. This surgery utilizes hair from the body (normally the back of the head) that is not programmed to fall out to replace the missing follicles. But how do they do it?

John Mancini has been writing about Hair Transplant online and offline for a long time. Visit or to read more about matters like hair replacement and hair restoration surgery.

Grow Hair With A Cheap OTC Bowel Remedy!

Through the ages, man has struggled to come up with a cure for hair loss. Everything from hair transplant surgery to herbal products has been tried. It is interesting to look at some of the ancient lotions and potions that have been used to stimulate hair regrowth. In ancient Egypt, the Egyptians applied chopped lettuce patches to bald spots. They associated lettuce with the Egyptian god of virility called min. They also used fir tree extracts as another ancient hair regrowth formula. They extracted the resin and made an infusion from the needles and then massaged it into their scalps.

The Egyptians also tried other things such as Castor oil to encourage hair regrowth. Mixed with sweet almond oil to improve the aroma, it made the formula smoother and easier to spread. Even back in Egyptian times, man experienced male pattern baldness. They believed that thick hair was proof of virility and often improved on their own growth, including the addition of wigs that were made from sheep's wool and human hair. The ancient Africans steeped flowers in olive oil and made fragrant hair tonics as well to encourage hair regrowth. They also used avocado leaves to make infusions, as they were ideal for treating any problems relating to the scalp.

In India, in order to stimulate hair regrowth and deal with male pattern baldness, they boiled sage leaves in coconut oil and applied the blackened residue to their scalps and hair. The Indians were ingenious and also mixed coconut milk with a pinch of black pepper and Fenugreek powder. Indian gooseberries were also boiled in coconut oil and used as a hair tonic to stimulate hair regrowth. Even in the rain forests of South America, the Taiwano Indians had scalp problems and used heated extract of banana as a hair loss remedy. And finally in Victorian America, hair regrowth was achieved by applying a mixture of cologne, the spirit of camphor, and tincture of cantharides directly to the hair roots each night. They prescribed vigorous hair brushing as part of regular hair care treatment. A stiff brush was supposed to keep the hair shiny and soft, while a soft brush was believed to stimulate hair regrowth. Today there are many hair loss solutions on the market, and it pays to do your homework before you purchase.

By Terry Price- Remember to visit Scientists have found new a new breakthrough in hair loss!