Bikini Line Hair Removal and Shaving

Shaving pubic areas with an electric razor.

Electric shavers for women have come a long way since they were first introduced after the war. Many will shave pubic hair quickly and, more importantly, safely, as nicks and cuts are impossible.

All shavers shave pubic hair that is soft best. Take a hot shower of bath before shaving pubic areas to soften hair. A lot of bacteria lives in the bikini area, and this will help prevent them getting into the hair follicles after you?ve shaved. Some electric shavers are good for wet shaving and if yours is, you may even be able to shave in the shower. Obviously, only battery-operated shavers should be used in the shower and always read the product manual to make sure yours is suitable for shower use. Some women say that shaving pubic areas wet with an electric shaver gives them a closer shave.

If your shaver can?t be used wet, make sure you dry the pubic hair and skin thoroughly before beginning to shave pubic hair. Almost all electric shavers work best without shaving cream so don?t use it unless the instructions tell you to. The shaving part couldn?t be easier. A gentle back and forth motions is usually recommended but try not to go over the same skin too much, as this will increase skin irritations. When women first start shaving pubic areas, red bumps and other skin irritations are common but these should diminish as your skin gets used to being shaved and it?s worth persevering.

Another downside of shaving pubic areas is itching between shaves. As you are cutting the hairs at skin level, this could begin within 24 hours or as soon as the now-sharp hairs start to appear. If your skin is up to it, shaving daily should prevent this, but never shave bumpy or red and inflamed skin. You could get end up with an infection.

Thinking about Bikini line hair removal? Looking for more pubic hair removal information? Find all you need to know on your Pubic Hair Shaving and Pubic Hair Design Site. All about pubic hair removal on LeanderNet -

Follicular Grouping the Innovative Hair Transplant Technique

Experiments performed by the hair transplant surgeon Dr Seager in 1996 gave significant credence to the surgical technique of unit follicular hair transplant. Since these experiments had demonstrated that the survival rate of intact follicular unit was better than the single hair micro-grafts, the use of micro-grafts for hair transplant surgery was more or less dropped. Although the results of surgical hair restoration with the use of follicular unit transplants were sound and aesthetically pleasing, this form of hair transplant surgery suffered from drawback of requiring a long time period (6-8 hr) to complete a transplant session. It involved teams of highly skilled assistants for the hair transplant procedure of separating the follicular units. As the procedure required long time and much skill the procedure was proving to be very costly to the patient. The surgical damage caused to the follicle when two follicular units extremely close together were dissected apart, also started to affect the results of Hair Restoration Surgery.

A reduced success in follicular unit transplantation was more frequent in hair restoration surgeries that were being performed by hair transplant surgeons undertaking follicular unit transplant surgery only infrequently. The fact was of much concern to the professional hair transplant surgeon. The primary reason for a reduced success rate was that the assistants of the hair transplantation surgeon lacked the expertise and experience in correctly isolating single follicular units and dissecting them at a fast pace.

Ensuring that the follicular unit remains intact and is dissected and implanted into the scalp in the shortest possible is essential for increasing the chances of the hair follicles surviving the process and growing. But whenever an assistant was not able to take care of this important aspect, it affected the results.

For the above mentioned reasons, a technique that leaves the follicular unit intact but at the same time advocates the use of three and four-haired follicular groupings for surgical hair restoration was evolved by the innovative hair transplant surgeons. This procedure was found to have many advantages over follicular unit transplantation.

A single hair follicular unit does not necessarily comprise a single hair and may contain 2-4 hairs in a single hole. When the follicular units are found very close to each other in the donor skin sample it is not advisable to separate them as it can cause iatrogenic damage to them. Advantage of this fact is taken to form three-and four-haired groupings when 2 two-haired follicular units or a three haired unit and one-haired unit are naturally placed very close to each other. A group (of 1-4 follicular units naturally placed close to each other) transplanted as a single graft results in superior hair growth and at the same time lessens the surgical damage and trauma to the recipient site.

The hair transplant procedure of using natural groups for the hair transplant surgery has many advantages:

1. It results in much quicker hair transplant procedure as it saves time for separating each follicular unit and less time is required for their placement.

2. Hair transplant procedure prevents iatrogenic injury to follicular units during the dissection phase.

3. It lessens iatrogenic injury during placement phase because follicular groupings are not as fragile as follicular units because of more tissue attached to them.

4. As this hair transplant procedure proceeds at a faster rate, it allows the grafts to be left out of the body for a shorter period of time and increases their survival rates.

5. The last but not the least important advantage of this hair transplant procedure is that it reduces the cost of hair transplant surgery and is there for affordable to the patient.

Besides the above mentioned advantages, the technique of grouping of hair follicles can serve as a crucial tool in an expert hair transplant surgeon's hands to create wonders through the hair restoration surgery! Success and a natural looking hair transplant requires strategic planning! The grouping technique does not undermine the importance of a unit follicular hair transplant but actually compliments it by conserving more single-haired follicular units for the defining the hair line. The 2-haired follicular groups can be used for gradation in the area immediately posterior to the hair line and use of denser, but not bigger, 3 haired groups to provide the hair-density to the bald scalp behind. Besides saving the hair in the donor area for the future hair transplants this innovative technique of hair restoration surgery provides you the results which are just wondrous!

Have you found the above article interesting? You can get more hair transplant information to read on the topic by logging on to the website

The author is a hair restoration surgeon and runs a renowned hair restoration clinic

Hair Styles

Many women today are experimenting all over the globe with new hair styles. But the challenge lies with what to ask for? When you enter the salon and sit with your stylist what are you looking for? a lightweight cut that will boost volume and texture in your style? For instance do you want mess appeal? Where you can wake up and rub a putty or clay into yoru palms and rub vigorously into your hair? Or Blast your hair dry with the stongest setting on your hair dryer for a natural body look? How about cuts emphasising sleek hair like asymmetric bobs, long layers and full fringes?

With a good hair style you can maximise your hair's natural flow and remove dulling split ends. Some of the most wanted hair styles this fall are super smooth bobs with a delicious dark shade. Or try sectioning clips that are handy for getting a perfectly sleek look. Glossy locks are back and looking healthier than ever so use a deep conditioner.

Dark shades are back for fall and flattering a short cut while boosting shine. If you prefer you can also go for slices of light and dark tones to give you extra texture. If you are considering short then consider this. Short looks are best for girls with small features, round faces adn oodles of confidence. Fine hair with a ton of texture can be achieved by going short. Before you decide book a consultation with your stylist this way you are prepared for the cut and have had enough time to decide what is right for you.

Hair Styles for Fall

Buying Used Electric Wheelchairs

Mounting health costs and cuts to government funding are making wheelchair users seek heaper alternatives like used electric wheelchairs. Secondhand electric wheelchairs are no doubt heaper than new ones but a lot of care should be taken when buying a used electric wheelchair.

Sources of used electric wheelchairs are primarily relatives, friends, and local support groups. Information about used electric wheelchairs is also available in advertisements on bulletin boards, newsletters, Web sites, at local hospitals and rehabilitation centers, or local disability organizations. Information for finding used wheelchairs can also be found in newspaper classifieds or in pawnshops.

It is wise to also solicit advice from a therapist or physician before buying a used electric wheelchair. Private health insurance and state vocational rehabilitation centers sometimes cover the cost of used electric wheelchairs. The Technical Assistance Project (TAP), supported by the federal Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act (Tech Act) of 1988, also provides financial support for the purchase of disability equipment. Sometimes, wheelchair vendors also provide guarantees and warranties for used wheelchairs.

One disadvantage of buying a used electric wheelchair is the non-transferability of the warranty on the chair. There are also certain other disadvantages to consider such as the chair?s physical dimensions, capabilities, condition, fittings and accessories. Because of the many different options and accessories available for wheelchairs it is better to be well informed before buying a used electric wheelchair.

Electric Wheel Chairs Info provides detailed information about electric wheelchair lifts and scooters, used electric wheelchairs, electric indoor wheelchairs, Medicare, electric wheelchair reviews, and more. Electric Wheel Chairs Info is the sister site of Scooters Web.

Wheelchair Ergonomics for Computer Users

A good power wheelchair means the freedom to work! It can also mean sore shoulders, knotted back muscles and the risk of an expensive over use injury. No worries, though, when you follow these tips for creating an optimum work environment for wheelchair users, or anyone who spends long hours in front of a computer monitor.

The soles of the feet should be flat or tipped slightly toes up. Both feet should be moved forward enough to keep the hips back on the seat cushion and the lower back pushed against the seat back. This position will provide a solid base and help reduce strain in the upper back.

For regular computer users, the arms should be supported. The height of the keyboard should be set so the arms are bent at about a 90 degree angle and the wrist is flat. A split, or ergonomic, keyboard will keep the wrists in a more natural position. Many people do well with a gel wrist pad. If workers can learn to swap off using the mouse with both hands, there will be fewer complaints of sore necks and shoulders.

Finally, the center of the computer monitor should be even with the eyes or a bit lower. The neck can handle looking down much better than it can handle looking up! Of course, there is no question that anyone who is on the telephone all day should be using a headset and not a handset.

Remember that people need frequent short breaks and a chance to stretch their limbs. Everyone needs plenty of sunlight and water, especially in an office environment. Master these essential and have fun with the rest of your day. Roll on.

About the Author

Rodney Robbins has a rare myopathy called Periodic Paralysis, matching complex migraines and Celiac Disease (an autoimmune reaction to eating grains). He often uses a travel scooter to protect his muscles from damaging exercise. Check out his mobility web site at and remember Rodney's moto: Adapt early. Adapt often.