Hair Removal Does It Get Better Than Tweezers and Wax?

There are several accepted methods of hair removal but many women return to two trusted, tried and true methods when it comes to facial hair - tweezing and wax. The reason? Probably one of the biggest reasons is a fear of doing some major damage to the face, but there are some other considerations as well. Whether you've tried other methods of hair removal or not, the fact remains that tweezing and waxing have some real advantages.

One of those advantages is that the removal is not permanent. While that may seem like a contradiction, there are actually times when it's a good thing that hair will grow back. Consider the plucking of the eyebrows. While your eyebrows may be bushy and it may very well be a constant battle to stay on top of the situation, you at least have the opportunity to reshape every few months. If you use one of the more permanent methods of hair removal, a misshapen eyebrow may mock you every time you look in the mirror for months. You can also more easily experiment with shaping, deciding what looks best for your face.

Another advantage is that there are no chemicals involved with tweezing and little fear of a chemical reaction with waxing. The person who waxes or tweezes the eyebrows will have a swollen area that is red for a few hours, but there's little or no danger that you'll have a reaction to some chemical in the solution you're using that will leave you with hives, sores or some other reaction.

Finally, a major advantage for some people is the cost of waxing and tweezing. A pair of quality tweezers cost only a few dollars and will last for years. Waxing is slightly more expensive but is typically less expensive than many methods of hair removal, especially when talking about the more permanent hair removal methods.

In the end, it's up to your discretion whether to use one of these very traditional methods of hair removal or to try one of the newer methods on the market. Consider the alternatives before you make your decision.

Betty Clayton is the founder of Easy Waxing a website providing information on hair removal and shaving.

After Effects Of Waxing Are There Any?

If you have been remotely considering the variety of different hair removal options out there, you are likely to have heard about waxing. This procedure ? waxing - is quite simple, but painful. For many, it will be something that they will subject themselves to every couple of weeks to maintain their appearance. But, what are the side effects or after effects, if any, of waxing?

What?s Going To Happen?

While, this can be done at home, a trip to the waxing salon is the preferred method. This is primarily because it allows for individuals to have the procedure done professionally which translates to faster, less painful and a more thorough application.

Firstly, it is important to realize what happens during this procedure. This begins with a coat of warm wax applied to the skin to be treated and then a paper is applied to it. When the wax cools and hardens slightly, it bonds to the hair and to the paper. The paper is pulled quickly from the skin, removing the hair from the follicle. This procedure is beneficial because it reaches deep into the follicle to remove the hair. The hair will not regrow for up to a few weeks at a time.

Now Give Me The Bad News

Have you ever wondered if something could go wrong at your next waxing appointment? There are several things that can happen to you during and after waxing that you should be well aware of before you get it done:

?Why is my skin turning red?? - One of the most common reactions to the waxing procedure is hyper pigmentation or redness of the skin that was treated. This reaction happens to most individuals and is just the reaction that your skin has to being stressed. In most cases, it will be gone within a few minutes.

?Is it supposed to hurt this much?? - Most people do find waxing to be somewhat painful but not unbearable. The pain occurs only when the hair is removed and normally stops within a few seconds. Again, using the bandage analogy, it is similar to the pain of a bandage being removed quickly from the skin.

?I?m scarred? - In some cases, there is minimal scarring that occurs. This is rare but it does happen.

?Ingrown hairs?? - Ingrown hair can also happen. In most cases, this occurs because the hair does not go back correctly once it has been removed. Removal often repairs the problem.

?Heard of Folliculitis?? - In some rare cases, folliculitis can also occur. This is the inflammation of the follicle itself. It can be treated with medication if necessary, but often is not.

In order to insure that your waxing procedure goes as well as possible, the best course of action is to insure that a professional with experience does it for you.

Mike Singh is the publisher of On his website, he provides articles about laser hair removal and prices and a guide to shaving pubic hair.

New York Laser Hair Removal Surgery

Surgery for the removal of hair using a laser is a new development. The initial equipment that came into the market for this treatment had problems that led to lawsuits. But continuous research has improved the technology and product line. Most centers for laser hair removal surgery use US Food & Drug Administration (USFDA) approved processes and devices.

The procedure is to focus laser beams at the hair follicles, which absorb the heat through their dark pigmentation and die. The surrounding skin is not affected if it is of a lighter shade than the hair. As we learned in school, dark colors absorb heat and lighter ones do not. A fair-skinned person with black or brown hair would an ideal candidate for this treatment. But newly developed technologies could perhaps manage dark-skinned people also. A respectable laser hair removal clinic would accept a candidate only after carefully studying the skin condition.

Human hair has cyclical growth. Laser surgery is most effective if it is done during the growing phase. It may not be possible to cover all such hair in one session. Therefore, two to six sittings may be required for the desired effect. The sessions may be five or six weeks apart and, depending on the area to be covered, each sitting may need one to two hours.

Anesthesia is not given normally. But some clients do ask for a numbing cream. Generally, the threat of serious side effects is minimal. Reddishness or slight swelling of the treated area may show up. These can be managed with the local application of an appropriate cream

or lotion. One can resume work immediately after the surgery.

The cost differs depending on the area that is involved. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average surgeon fee was $429 per session in 2003.

New York Laser Hair Removal provides detailed information on New York Laser Hair Removal, New York Laser Hair Removal For Men, New York Laser Hair Removal Surgery, Best Laser Hair Removal In New York City and more. New York Laser Hair Removal is affiliated with New York City Helicopter Tours.

Permanent Hair Removal Is It Right For You?

It's an endless cycle - you shave, you wax, you pluck. The hair grows back and you shave, you wax and you pluck again. And again. With today's busy life styles, who has time to repeat the process as often as it's needed? Most people will tell you that they'd be willing to undergo some pretty intense treatments to stop or at least slow the process. That's the reason behind the latest in hair removal technology.

Laser hair removal is arguably one of the most radical treatments to stop or slow the growth of hair. It can be performed on almost any part of the body, is relatively safe and widely available. There are some disadvantages, with the major being the cost of the procedure. Actual prices will vary depending on the amount of hair to be removed and who you choose to do the procedure. You should remember that this is a serious step and there is potential for damage to the skin so be sure to choose a reputable source for your laser hair removal.

If you decide that laser surgery is a viable option for you, check into the potential for a free consultation. Ask questions including how long the hair growth will be stopped (some don't guarantee permanent hair removal but do promise for a specific period of time).

There are literally thousands of hair removal products on the market, many touting their ability to permanently remove hair. Be sure to know about any procedures before you sign up. Ask what kind of training the person performing the procedure has had and check into testimonials from clients. In the case of a product that offers permanent hair removal, take time to read instructions, ingredients and potential hazards. If you're hoping to remove the hair from your face and a particular product sounds appealing, be sure that it's safe for use on the face.

Depending on the individual, permanent hair removal could be worth the cost and effort of one of the many permanent hair removal processes. Before you take that step, be sure that you are one of them.

Betty Clayton is the founder of Easy Waxing a website providing information on hair removal and shaving.

Hair Replacement Surgery

Hair Replacement Information

Hair Replacement Surgery is the medical terminology that covers the variety of procedures utilized to counter balding. The goal is to minimize the loss of hair and restore the appearance of hair. Several techniques utilized include scalp reduction, tissue expansion, strip grafts, scalp flaps, or clusters of hair plugs. This procedure is most effective on men who have experienced a slowdown or halt in hair loss resulting from existing male pattern baldness.

Length and details of the Hair Replacement procedure

The length of operation typically runs 1 to 3 hours with several techniques requiring multiple procedures over the span of 1 to 2 years. Patients are given a general or local anesthesia, with sedation.

Most Hair Replacement Surgery procedures are routinely outpatient.

Risks and/or complications related to Hair Replacement Surgery

In Hair Replacement Surgery the patient may experience potential side effects consisting of a temporary achy and tight scalp, to an unnatural look in initial stages.

In addition there are other associated risks with this procedure that include the risk of infection, excessive scarring, and the failure of the procedures effectiveness that could result in the loss of scalp tissue and/or transplanted hair.

Patients may return to work in approximately 2 to 5 days. Those involved in sports or other physical activities will be able to resume these activities in approximately 10 days to 3 weeks. The final results of the procedure may take up to 18 months or more to achieve the desired results.

Long-term results of Hair Replacement Surgery

In this procedure the results typically are permanent.

How much does Hair Replacement Surgery cost?

The national average cost for the procedure is $3,000

Will my insurance cover a Hair Replacement Surgery?

Hair replacement surgery is a cosmetic procedure that usually is not covered under most insurance plans. However some costs may be covered if there is a medical necessity behind the procedure, such as serious burns or similar traumatic event. In this circumstance, hair replacement surgery could be considered a reconstructive treatment and may be covered by health insurance. As always consult with your physician and health insurance plan.

Read more about Hair Replacement Surgery facts and costs. Alan Hood is a contributing writer at

Dancing For Your Whole Life: Yogic Advice from the Vijnanabhairava Tantra

?Wander or dance to exhaustion in utter spontaneity. Then, suddenly, drop to the ground and in this fall be total. There absolute essence is revealed.?

~ Vijnanabhairava Tantra, verse 111

Each of has the desire (yes?) to become ~ with each breath we take, with each step of our lives ~ more fully alive ? And yet there is the paradox that each breath we take, each step of our lives, brings us one step, one breath closer to our death. So how do we work with this? Is there a ?solution? to this paradox?

The traditions of Buddhism as well as Kashmir Shaivism see (the appearance of) this life of ours as training-ground for (the appearance of) that moment of our death. They resolve the paradox through the understanding that only by training ~ in every moment ~ in the art of being fully alive, fully present here and now, in this moment, in this moment, in this moment ~ only through a practice such as this are we able then to be fully present (fully alive!) at the moment of our ?death.?

The quotation above, from the Vijnanabhairava Tantra (a text written by the Shaivite School of Kashmir around the first century A.D.), points to such a resolution. Let?s take a closer look ?

?Wander or dance to exhaustion in utter spontaneity.? Have you ever danced, or performed any other activity, so completely, with such total abandon, such love and absorption, that the point of ?exhaustion? (what distance runners call ?the wall?) opens into a whole new realm of experience, puts you in touch with a whole new flow of energy/inspiration? It?s the moment when years of training (our accumulated ?expertise?) is allowed to open, to fall away into a ?mindless? spontaneity ? when movement becomes both divinely precise and effortless (Michael Jordan, Baryshnikov, & Jet Li come to mind here) ? when ?I? am no longer doing anything, yet all things are still manifesting, radiantly, perfectly. In the language of Taoism this state of effortless doing is called Wu Wei.

?Then, suddenly, drop to the ground and in this fall be total.? Have you ever gone out on a warm summer night, laid on your back on a grassy hillside, and let your mind & heart & vision travel out into the starry sky, with its countless galaxies? When we surrender, we surrender completely ? no holding back. We let the whole thing dissolve. We die into the present moment. In the language of Tibetan Buddhism, this is called the Completion Stage.

?There absolute essence is revealed.? What if the essence of life and the essence of death were one and the same? What if both our ?wandering? and our ?dancing? were expressions of that one essence, and equally wise? What if we could touch ~ with each breath, each step, each of our ?awakened? daily activities ~ the sweetness & power that is this essence?

And now, please feel free ?. to Dance!

Elizabeth Reninger holds a Masters degree in Chinese Medicine, is a published poet, and has been exploring Yoga - in its Taoist, Buddhist & Hindu varieties ~ for more than twenty years. Her teachers include Richard Freeman and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. To read more of her yoga-related essays, please visit her website:

2006 Most Popular Hair Styles for Men and Women

Every year hair cut styles change slightly as change marches on and since the only thing constant is change if you do not change with the haircut styles you will find it difficult to win friends and influence people.

Speaking of friends; the television show; ?Friends? was certainly a trendy set of haircuts for 2005 wasn?t it? But Friends TV sitcom series is no longer in style and those haircuts will soon be ?has been? styles. You do not wish to be caught rolled over in your SUV and dead on arrival with an old haircut style do you?

For older men the Ronald Reagan haircut style is coming back in, especially as more balding men are working to get their hair back and as they do, they will want to show a healthy head of hair indeed. But believe it or not ?Bald? will be back in too in 2006 and the Howard Stern ?Shocked? jock look. You can achieve this I am guessing by waking up with matted hair, four afro comb brushes and then sticking your finger in a light socket. So that is about as simple as the Bald look, not much preparation needed their; a very low maintenance look indeed.

For women you can expect some longer looks to be trendy too, reminiscent of the Farrah Facet styles of the 80?s but slightly shorter. Somewhat of a Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Farrah Facet hybrid and this will work for Blondes and Brunettes equally well with brunettes being somewhat shorter by about 2-3 inches in length. Another look, which is already making its rounds is the ?kick butt? short hair video action figure look. We will see much more of this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Hair Removal: My Experience With Light Based Hair Removal

While laser hair removal is one of the most well known methods of hair removal, pulsed light hair removal is a newer technology that is believed to offer good long-term results and can be a viable alternative to laser treatment.

Some forms of light-based hair removal might advertise themselves as offering permanent hair reduction which essentially means that while 100% hair removal might not be achieved, a long term decrease in the amount of unwanted hair might be.

It's often a matter of advertising so you need to do your research, find a good practitioner and have realistic expections if you're thinking about this sort of hair removal for yourself.

While electrolysis is the only hair removal method widely regarded to offer true permanent hair removal, it can be time consuming and expensive to remove large amounts of unwanted hair.

I used light-based hair removal to get rid of some excess hair on my shoulders and back and overall I have to say the experience has been positive.

I have not achieved 100% removal of unwanted hair but I've certainly noticed a significant improvement.

As far as how long the results will last, I'm going to find out in the next few years! We'll see if it grows back or not.

The bottom line is that you really need to learn to tell the difference between hype and truth when considering hair removal options.

The clinic I went to did not promise anything they couldn't deliver. Not once did they promise permanent hair removal instead suggesting that with repeated treatments, I should see a definite reduction in the amount of unwanted hair.

With repeated treatments, I have achieved this result.

Effective long term hair removal can be dependent on a number of factors such as your skin color, skin type, hair color, type of hair removal system used, quality of practitioner and other factors.

Temporary and permanent hair removal technology is evolving constantly and is relevant to both men and women who want to remove unwanted hair.

For more information on hair removal options, visit

Finding Your Wheelchair Comfort Zone

At any point in your life, you may find yourself depending on a wheelchair for mobility. While it may be hard to deal with that fact, just remember that your wheelchair can offer you freedom regardless of your injury. Your wheelchair is a wonderful invention that helps you live your life, not limit the life you can live.

If you are about to purchase your first wheelchair, replace the current wheelchair you have or plan to keep your current chair, be sure to think about comfort, because there may be some discomfort issues experienced from time to time. Being in a wheelchair doesn?t mean you have to be uncomfortable ? there are several things you can do to make your wheelchair conducive to your comfort level.

If you are experiencing an uncomfortable feeling when sitting in your wheelchair, you may want to purchase a seat cushion. There are several wheelchair cushions on the market today that provide added back support and added seating comfort. They range in style, color and can even be custom-made for your chair.

Do you have a pain in your neck every time you sit in your wheelchair? If your neck is experiencing pain or needs more support while in your wheelchair, think about purchasing a new head rest. There are several types available ? some can be used for stabilizing your neck so there is minimum motion when moving in your chair, or some can just be used as a head rest, offering you full mobility when needed. They are very affordable and easy to install.

You can also purchase wheelchair lateral supports that help minimize your head from leaning when you don?t want it to. Again, they are very affordable, come in a wide variety of colors and offer that added support when you need it.

If you have issues with leg positioning, you may think about purchasing leg abductors. You can purchase wheelchair leg abductors in a few different styles ? some are designed to move out of the way when they are not needed, while others are a permanent fixture on your wheelchair.

Sometimes gravity doesn?t work in our favor and can pull us forward when we don?t want to be. If this happens to you while seated in your chair, consider purchasing one of the several lapboards available on the market today. They can help you stay in the position desired in your wheelchair, while offering the added benefit of keeping items you need close to you. Arm control or lack thereof can sometimes cause a wheelchair user to experience discomfort. A myriad of arm supports are available for just about any situation or injury at a very affordable price.

If you have a hard time keeping your feet positioned, you may want to purchase a foot rest. They are useful whether you have movement in your feet or not. They can keep your foot in the perfect position to alleviate leg and back pain, or can hold them at the proper position when you can?t.

About The Author:

Alan Jason Smith is the owner of Unity Wheelchairs which is a great place to find wheelchair links, resources and articles. For more information go to: ? Copyright 2005 Unity Wheelchairs.Ltd.UK

Laser Hair Removal: A Basic Understanding

Laser hair removal is one of the newest cosmetic procedures available today. The process is to permanently remove hair from any part of your body that you wish by the use of a light at a designated wavelength, which is projected into the skin by way of a laser hand held instrument.

What the laser accomplishes, after it's reached into the interior of the skin, is to focus on the hair's pigment. The laser destroys the follicle of the hair but does not damage the remaining hair tissue around it.

While laser hair removal can be quite effective and has been so for many, it is new, and, as compared with older hair removal treatments, relatively untested. What this means is that we really don't know yet just how safe or unsafe it might be and the potential for side effects. The other issue with the newness of this laser hair removal process is that no one has used it for long enough to have continuity of statistics that would indicate the rate of response to the laser hair removal treatment and the rate at which the hair grows back after each laser hair removal treatment.

Two of the most important elements to consider in qualifying potential laser hair removal candidates are skin color and hair color.

1. Skin Colour. Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Due to the lighter pigmentation, the laser hair removal results happen more quickly. Fewer treatments are required, and better, faster results are obtained. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower. They just have to be content with the knowledge that it will take longer to see results and a greater number of treatments are probably going to be needed.

2. Hair Colour. Laser hair removal works best on dark hair. The reason for the difference is the pigment pheomelanin, which is found only in red or blonde hair. It is very hard for a laser to penetrate pheomelanin. On the other hand, the laser goes easily through eumelanin, the pigment found in black and brown hair.

Treatment costs can add up to more than $1,000 as multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to obtain optimal results. This is largely due to the fact that laser hair removal is most effective for hair which is in the anagen phase (the growth phase). Since hair grows in cycles, not all of the hairs are in the anagen phase at any given time. Thus, more sessions are necessary to target hairs while they are in anagen.

How much and how long an individual respond to complete hair removal by laser hair removal differ from case to case. So, no hair removal clinics can guarantee 100% permanent results by a certain period. Consumers are nevertheless well advised, to consult with licensed professional and reputable laser hair removal centers.

Kathlene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. She believes in harnessing one?s inner and outer beauty for self confidence and achievement to the fullest potential. For more articles, tips and resources, please visit her site at

Hair Loss In Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

In the past few decades, hair loss in women has become a growing problem. More and more women are complaining of thinning hair. There are a number of reasons for this hair loss. Most often it is because of a hormonal imbalance, other times, hair loss is an after effect of surgery or pregnancy.

Taking specific medications such as the birth control pill, blood thinners, or anti fungal medication can also cause hair loss in women. Women who have had chemotherapy treatment have also experienced hair loss. And these are just a few of the many causes out there.

Diseases and Hair Loss In Women

There are also certain diseases that can cause hair loss in men and women. One of the warning signs of diabetes is hair loss for example. Specific tests need to be done to rule this or any other disease out as a cause of hair loss before you take any further action.

When Is Hair Loss In Women Normal?

At any given point in time, hair experts predict that about seven to ten percent of a woman's hair is in a resting period. This resting period can last approximate two to three months. When the resting period is done, the hair falls out. New hair immediately starts to grow back, and could take up to 6 years to grow out.

Hair expert theorize that approximately ninety percent of all hair is growing at one time. It is the normal to experience hair loss on a daily basis.

Treat Your Hair With Care

The way hair is treated can affect hair loss. When hair is always tied back, either in pigtails or ponytails, it can cause a condition called Alopecia. This condition results in scarring on the scalp and new hair growth is prohibited. Often, women will have their hair permed or colored, to make it look better, but this can damage the hair beyond repair and actually cause Alopecia as well.

Can Doctor Help With Hair Loss In Women?

A medical doctor may be of assistance in the diagnosis of hair loss in women. A doctor will perform an exam and ask a series of questions to help with the diagnosis. It is important to answer all questions honestly. If it is needed, a biopsy will be ordered to rule out any type of cancer.

Treatment Options For Hair Loss In Women

There are treatment options for hair loss. It can be very simple. If the hair loss is due to medication, then a different medication can be prescribed. If the hair loss is due to infection or hormones, again medication can be prescribed.

In the past decade, hair loss drugs such as Rogaine have been developed for hair loss for women. This medicine can be found in over the counter pharmacies everywhere.

There are special doctors who can offer hair transplants to women, however, it is quite expensive, and virtually all insurance companies deem this elective cosmetic surgery and do not cover it.

When All Else Fails

When all else fails, there are specialty shops that offer custom made wigs, weaves, and hairpieces to accommodate any woman who wishes to have luxurious hair.

Are you a man or a worrying about Hair Loss? Are you a woman or a worrying about Hair Loss? Stop worrying and visit Hair Loss In Women to find the answers that you need.

Chair Yoga Case Study Relief from the Symptoms of MS

After teaching chair yoga for several years Liz Franklin can testify that it appropriate for almost anyone, even if they are feeling the effects of aging or have physical limitations. It is not for hard-bodied 20-somethings that can twist themselves into poses that look impossible ? the only prerequisite is that you can sit in a chair, including a wheelchair.

What better way to illustrate how chair yoga has benefited those unable to attend a traditional yoga class than to tell it in their own words?

Hi! I?m Keri Rodriguez. I?m a 46-year-old Assessment Crisis Center Specialist. I have been practicing Liz Franklin?s Yoga in Chairs? for people with Multiple Sclerosis since the first class in August of 2005.

I came to the first class because I wasn?t willing to give into Multiple Sclerosis. I felt I needed to do whatever I could do to help myself both mentally and physically. I was a little dubious at first because I wasn?t sure I could physically do yoga. Liz showed me how I can succeed!

Liz is a great teacher. She makes every class feel good for us by adapting to our changing needs every week. Every class is a great experience for me. It is so wonderful to be with a group of people who truly understand what it means to live with MS. My success in the class has helped in the rest of my life.

The benefits I have received from my practice are too numerous to list here, but I have more flexibility, more energy, more confidence and it has helped me stay focused and on task. I have learned how to deal with anxiety and stress in a more positive fashion. My job is very high stress and practicing yoga has helped me stay focused on the client I am with at the moment. I also feel I am more centered and less reactive in both my professional and personal life.

Even if you don?t think you can do this or that you?re going to like it, you need to try because you?re going to love it! You can do this. It doesn?t matter where you are physically or mentally, you will be in a better place after you practice. It is so easy to incorporate the lessons into your daily life. It doesn?t take long and it makes your day go so much better.

Mark Franklin enjoys telling people about Liz Franklin's Yoga In Chairs(r) because he knows it is helping people live healthier, happier, and longer lives. If you want to find out about her special style of chair yoga, visit

Baldness Solutions to End the Hairraising Story of Hair Loss

Hair is a striking feature of human body. Hair loss, especially by female/male pattern baldness is matter of great concern. Pattern baldness is particularly is very troubling condition. In this type of baldness the hair is regularly lost at both the temples and at top of the skull. At last the person is left with a horseshoe pattern in the head.

Male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) is the chief devil that causes hair loss. With age one suffers from this disorder by acquiring the genetic predisposition and presence of male hormones. Contrary to the common perception, hereditary baldness is not a must in each generation. However, if one?s father is completely bald and one loses hair at an early stage, then he is said to be in male pattern baldness due to alopecia and 95% of complete baldness occurs by alopecia.

Excess amount of male hormone also causes hair loss. Besides, stress, improper nutrition and pollution together accelerate the baldness. One under stress will loss hair at double the speed of a normal human. Taking dietary supplement and/or external application of cosmetics is fruitless to stop baldness. Fortunately, there are several baldness solutions, the most popular ones being hair transplantation surgery, scalp reduction surgery and scalp flap surgery.

There is no such thing as true hair transplant. Surgeons replace the bald area from some other hair-healthy area of the head. Hence, the name hair replacement transplant. Hair transplant works when there is enough donor hairs. Victims of female/male pattern balding are the best candidates for hair transplant. If you still have hair growing anywhere around the scalp flaps hair transplantation can be easy and effective. Scalp reduction surgery is a popular balding solution to cure the baldness caused by flaking scalps. It can be done in conjunction with hair transplants and involves surgically removing of a portion of the balding area, which causes the bald spot to be smaller. This means that there are fewer areas to graft to the head during a hair transplant.

Scalp flap is an invasive procedure that involves surgically removing a portion of healthy scalp and hair from the back or sides of the head and transplanting it on the bald areas. This creates a new hairline for the males who suffer from male pattern baldness. Scalp flaps are usually performed on patients who have complete balding in the front area of the scalp. Those candidates whose hair is just beginning to thin or is thinning in patches in random areas spanning the head may want to choose a different type of treatment.

The author Harry John is a veteran surgeon, he had worked 10 years researching Alopecia. He generally contributes to premiere medical publications. Please visit

Can Pay Per View Help You Get A Better Hair Style?

Have you ever taken a hair styles photo to your hair stylist and asked for the exact same cut, only to be disappointed with the results? Many times, the reason for such a situation is that a lot of hair stylists do not have the time or money to attend hair cutting education and training programs or to purchase very expensive training videos to learn the latest techniques for trendy and sometimes complicated hair styles of today.

Francesco Rizzuto, founder of, conducted four focus groups and determined without exception that hair stylists conveyed that they all wanted the education, but they all wanted it to fit into their lives and budget. He adds that there are a lot of single moms in the hair industry that simply cannot afford to attend high quality classes or shows, some of them even live in areas where traveling to get to a class is not an option.

Rizzuto analyzed his marketing research and decided to investigate opening a video store with affordable rental training tapes. He says, ?If hairdressers had access to current hair education on a rental basis, then they would be more enticed to learn and be motivated.? After exploring the concept of a video store further, Rizzuto discovered that there would not be enough current material out there to fill a video store. The content that was available was old, outdated or very expensive.

And then a light bulb went on and the idea of a Pay Per View video hair instructional website was born. Anyone anywhere in the world could view the instructional videos online for a very reasonable fee and apply what they had learned immediately. So the website was developed and officially launched in July 2005. Rizzuto, a salon owner, hairdresser, fashion photographer and educator, also decided to film his own content. Each 15-20 minute video takes about 3 hours to film and a few more hours to edit.

The videos, which cost $6.95 to view once, are primarily education based, and sometimes mention certain tools or products that work well with the hair styles they are creating. They last between 15 and 20 minutes and can only be viewed once. Basically what Hair-Brain offers is the ability to get the education without having to buy the video at a considerable cost. Most hairdressers agree that once they see how it?s done they have no need for the video. With Hair-Brain they can look at it as if it?s a rental, although the movie presentations are available for purchase at a very low cost, $17.95USD.

Rizzuto hand picks all of the educators that present the videos on the site based on their outstanding work in the industry. Some are well known, such as Martin Parsons, and corporate educators such as Schwarzkopf.

Currently there are about thirty video presentations to choose from on the website, and Rizzuto plans to add about 30 more by the end of the year. Some of the topics available include the tousled look, mid length cut, retro fashion Mohawk, layers with long hair, shine and texture, Spanish look with extensions, texturizing short hair, heavy layered cut, hair color, wedding updo and 5 tail chignon among many others.

The training videos are not limited to hair instruction, as there is a video by Dr. John Arlette where he demonstrates Botox and Fillers. By observing these before and after videos, consumers can make a more informed choice with respect to non surgical procedures. Rizzuto has included Dr. John Arlette as an educator because Botox fits into the format of education plus beauty.

Future videos will include techniques for hair extensions for professionals and consumers, perming, barbering, coloring, bridal looks, braiding, ethnic hair and straightening just to name of few. They also plan to endorse and perhaps retail quality tools of the trade that are mentioned on the site.

Although Hair-Brain was first designed for the professional hairdresser, Rizzuto mentions that he is finding on occasion that the consumer is logging on to find a look that they like. ?Recently, a woman wrote us to let us know that she found the perfect look for her wedding on (Martin Parsons ?Wedding Band? updo featured on the site currently). She was going to tell her hairdresser to go to the site and learn it so he could do it for her wedding day,? Rizzuto says.

Rizzuto says so far has been a great success. ?We are getting clients from the USA, Canada, UK, Japan and even Brazil. Once of our clients recently purchased one of each of our videos,? he adds. Salon Magazine?s (Canada) publisher Laura Dunphy wrote in her editorial ?Back to school? (September issue) that is ?A brilliant solution for hairdressers?.

In short, pay per view CAN help you get a better hair style. The education and training videos are available 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world and all for a low price. It is designed by hairstylists for hairstylists. For the price of a large gourmet coffee today, you can be a better hairdresser tomorrow. Is your hair stylist a Hair Brain?

Francesco Rizzuto is 44 years old and has been in the hair industry since 1978 when he started hair design school in Toronto, Canada. After graduation, he worked as an assistant at Vidal Sassoon and was awarded the position of ?Junior Stylist? after one year of very hard work. Eventually he worked his way up to chief educator. Education is a very big part of the Vidal Sassoon Formula.

Francesco has fulfilled his vision of creating an affordable, accessible, and most importantly, effective educational tool for beauty industry professionals, fashion enthusiasts, and the general public. Currently he juggles his schedule as a salon owner, hairdresser, fashion photographer and educator. offices are currently located in Calgary, Alberta in Canada.

Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of Hair Resources, and online resources for trendy hair styles, hair extensions information, global beauty salons and stylists, E-books and much more. Visit Hair Resources for better hair days!

Hair Loss Shampoos The Often Overlooked Solution

There are many hair loss shampoos on the market today. This is one prevention method that many people who are experiencing hair loss tend to overlook. Use a hair loss shampoo as a step towards loosing your hair. Hair loss shampoos can be found in a number of different places. You may want to first start out by visiting your family doctor or a dermatologist who specializes in hair loss. These doctors may be able to prescribe hair loss shampoos that are not available over the counter. It will depend on your situation whether or not you will need prescription strength shampoos.

Hair loss shampoos were once designed to do nothing more than keep your hair clean and shiny. But this has changed in recent years. Hair loss shampoos are now designed to block DHT that mixes with enzymes on the scalp and causes thinning hair. This has been a huge advance in the area of hair loss treatment. Some other hair loss shampoos are designed to reduce inflammation within the hair follicle. This helps to keep the scalp healthy, and therefore help prevent hair loss and thinning. There are several different reasons that you could be loosing your hair. An expert can usually determine the cause in your particular case and make recommendations for you.

If you want to get your hands on the hair loss shampoos that are mentioned above, you may need to visit your doctor. They will be able to assess your situation and properly prescribe the most effective medication available on the market. If you would rather skip the doctor visit, you may also be able to find these hair loss shampoos at specialty stores and beauty shops. Online vitamin and supplement stores also carry a large supply of hair loss shampoos. You may want to check online if you are looking for variety as well as a great price. Try to verify that what you find online is actually a good treatment for your particular hair loss case.

Hair loss shampoos are improving with every year. Doctors are experimenting with these shampoos to find out which formulas work best and how often they should be used. These hair loss shampoos may be a great addition to your hair loss prevention plan. An ounce of prevention goes a long ways towards putting off hair loss. Care for your hair and you will keep it longer.

Keith Londrie II is a well known author. For more information on Hair Loss, please visit Hair Loss for a wealth of information. You may also want to visit keith's own web site at

Laser Hair Removal Frequently Asked Questions

There is such excitement in this cutting edge technology for laser hair removal. In order to decide if you want to use laser hair removal, you can check online for research and then you would need a doctor consultation.

Why should you use a laser to remove hair?

Lasers can target pigmented hair while leaving the skin around the laser treatment unaffected. With each pulse of the laser, you can treat many hairs. Each pulse only takes a fraction of a second. Compare this with electrolysis and you will see that laser hair removal is much more precise and faster.

Does laser hair removal really work?

The results are quite predictable. 90% of patients usually have permanent hair loss. 10% percent of patients, no matter what you do, hair loss just does not happen. Usually after each session, most of the treated hairs by the laser fallout. After about six weeks the hair follicles that have survived gradually start growing back. But on the average with each session, approximately one third of the hairs? treated never return back and, therefore, are permanently removed.

The remaining hairs tend to be lighter in color and also smaller in size. Patients typically, on the average, are satisfied with three to five treatments separated by two months apart. Patients that have darker colored skin may need more sessions as their skin may require lower energy levels in order to be a safe treatment.

Will it work for me individually?

A consultation is required to determine if you really are a suitable candidate for a laser hair removal procedure. Dark, coarse hairs on any part of the body usually respond well. As a rule, very fine or very lightly colored hair whether it's white, gray, or red, do not respond well to treatment.

Patients with dark complexions really need to be treated cautiously because the dark skin interferes with the laser light even before reaching the hair. With the latest technology available, there is some flexibility to treat a wide variety of patients effectively and safely.

What should I do before treatments?

Prior to treatments some protection from the sun is recommended. Usually for at least a month in advance. Tan skin increase the pigmentation and this can compete with the laser light. This can result in less effective sessions with a higher chance of side effects. The hairs in the areas that you want treated must be short but visible. It is very important not to pluck or wax the hair for a month prior to the treatments.

How long does each session usually last?

The treatment is relatively quick but also depends on the amount of hair to be treated. The laser can treat the hairs about the size of a quarter every second. A small area like the upper lip can be treated in less than a minutes, while large areas like the back or the legs may need up to an hour.

Will it hurt?

An anesthetic cream is usually recommended to numb the skin before treatments. This you will need to speak with the doctor and he can discuss with you which cream would be effective. The procedure is usually tolerated well with a mild sensation of heat tingling or stinging.

What should I expect after the Treatment?

The laser hair treatment area looks and feels much like a sunburn that usually last one to two days. You can use a cool compress and moisturizers. The area treated pretty much is usually pain-free the day after. Makeup can usually be used after the treatment unless there are blisters. Blisters, though not common, are more likely to happen in patients with darker skin. The lasered hair falls out over a month period and should not frighten you. Also, you should use sun protection for a month afterwards so it won?t change the pigment in your skin. Changes that sometimes may occur, which are permanent undesirable side effects, are scarring or skin color changes, though rare.

Again you really need to speak with a doctor before you even consider having laser hair removal. This is only general information and not to be taken as the only answers to these questions.

Copyright 2005 Fern Kuhn, RN
Specializing in Diabetes

You may reprint this article as long as you keep the links active

To Nick or Not

Ladies, here are a few shaving tips that will help avoid nicks, irritation, and ingrown hairs. Next to laser hair removal, shaving is a much cheaper option for you to remove body hair. Back during World War II, bare legs became a trend. Nylon stockings were in short supply because everyone wanted to wear them. Today, one of the most popular hair removal techniques used by women is waxing, but shaving remains the least expensive form of hair removal. To make sure that you are cutting down on the nicks and irritation, here are 10 tricks or tips to help you along. Remember to not shave dry skin. Wet your skin and let it soften as shaving is also a natural skin exfoliater that can clog up your razor. Don't purchase shaving creams especially formulated for women. They are a waste of money as they are the same creams as are sold for men. One of the best razors for women is the Gillette Venus razor or the Schick Quattro for Women. Both have super thin blades and a pivoting head.

Changing cartridges or razors on a regular basis will avoid nicks or cuts. Also remember to not use your man's razor as his is coarser and will have a duller blade than yours. Always remember to exfoliate your skin before shaving to avoid clogging the razor. Remember to shave your ankles and legs upwards as leg hairs grow down, and apply a good moisturizer afterwards.

Ingrown hairs are caused when hairs curl back under the skin, so exfoliating bi-weekly and using a good glycolic acid body lotion will help immensely. One great product that helps with ingrown hairs is called ?Tend skin? which is an over-the-counter lotion specifically formulated for ingrown hairs. When you apply it morning and night, the bumps should disappear within a couple of days. Consider having a wax treatment for your legs, as it will remove coarser hair, and they won't grow back as fast. Consult a local expert or good web site for information on permanent hair removal or laser hair removal. These procedures are becoming more and more effective and are a good solution for long-term hair removal.

By Terry Price- Remember to visit- -for information on hair removal, laser hair removal, and permanent hair removal.

Buying Wholesale Salon Equipment

Buying salon equipment from a wholesaler is one option to consider when opening a new hair, nail or tanning salon. Wholesalers of salon equipment typically offer many different styles and brands of equipment because they don?t specialize in one particular brand over another. This allows the consumer many options when equipping their business.

Many wholesale suppliers of salon equipment are available online and consumers are able to quickly and conveniently browse through online catalogs to determine which equipment best suits their business needs. Many of these wholesalers also offer free shipping to entice consumers to make a purchase.

Wholesale suppliers can also offer lower prices than smaller businesses that specialize in beauty equipment. They often carry a very large inventory and possess the power to make bulk purchases, allowing them to offer deeper discounts to their customers. Wholesale suppliers also offer financing or leasing options to the customer. This is a convenient way to allow business owners to grow their business, especially during the start up phase. Typically, wholesale salon equipment comes with a warranty that may vary from a standard 3-year warranty to a lifetime warranty -- which is typically attached to more expensive equipment. It is also important to ensure that wholesale salon equipment may be returned or exchanged if it is found to be substandard or defective.

In addition to the general cost savings of purchasing wholesale salon equipment, consumers may further save money if they purchase wholesale salon equipment that is offered as clearance. Many wholesale suppliers offer a selection of clearance equipment at deeply discounted prices. This equipment may have a low turnover rate and the supplier wishes to quickly liquidate the items. Consumers can save significantly when buying new items that are offered on clearance.

Wholesale suppliers can offer a consumer great savings on wholesale salon equipment. Prior to making a purchase, it is important to conduct research. Ensure you are purchasing from a reputable supplier that offers a solid return or exchange policy. If the policy being offered is inadequate or is not easily understood, it may be a wise decision to purchase elsewhere.

Salon Equipment Info provides detailed information about beauty, hair, nail, tanning salon equipment, as well as wholesale and discount salon equipment. Salon Equipment Info is the sister site of Hair Extensions Web.

Faster Hair Growth It's as Easy as Omega 3

Most people, and especially good hairdressers and dieticians, know that poor nutrition can make your hair dull and lifeless, as well as affecting its growth. Thus it follows that a good diet can improve the quality of your hair.

Hair is composed of keratin, a type of protein. A single hair begins with a root below the skin and a follicle from which the root grows ? the part of the hair that shows is known as the shaft. Melanin, the pigment which gives hair its colour, is produced in the hair bulb at the follicle?s lower end.

Around 50-100 head hairs fall out every day in most cases, but are replaced as the follicles do their work ? this is completely normal, and is just the way the body works. However, a higher rate of hair loss may indicate a problem. Hair loss at a rate which causes balding patches or visibly thin hair is called alopecia.

If your hair is falling out at a rate that bothers you, a visit to the doctor is advisable to find out the cause. A doctor can suggest treatment for any underlying problem after discovering the reason for the hair loss.

How does hair grow?

Every hair whether on your head or the rest of your body grows from its own follicle. New hair cells form at the root of the shaft each time inside the follicle, and these push the old cells out. The old cells, which die as they are pushed out, form the hair shaft itself.

Follicles produce new cells for a period of time, called a growth phase, depending on where they occur on the body. The growth phase will give way after this time to a rest phase, where no growth occurs, before another growth phase begins.

Hair does appear to grow consistently, however, at a rate of about half a millimetre a day. This adds up to half an inch every month. The growth rate may vary according to genetics, age and hormonal state ? pregnant women often notice a difference in hair growth. Half a millimetre a day is a good average, but you may find growth rate slows if you have poor nutrition.

Poor nutrition

Many of the western world?s health problems can be attributed to poor nutrition. Omega 3, an essential fatty acid, is vital to healthy hair. Starved of essential nutrients such as this, the body reacts, and as well as other health issues hair health can be compromised. Dull and unhealthy hair can often indicate other problems.

The same principles apply to healthy hair as to a healthy garden; if you want a good lawn you need to maintain the soil underneath. To have a healthy head of hair, therefore, you need to make sure it is being fed the right nutrients from inside. This means improving your diet and ensuring it contains the right balance of essential fatty acids, especially Omega 3.

Omega 3

It is well-known that Omega 3 has hair-growing properties. Its three main nutrients, all found in various foods in differing quantities, are ALA (alpha linolic acid), EPA (ecoisapentaionc acid) and DHA (docosahexaenioc acid). You can find a high amount of Omega 3 fatty acids in salmon, halibut, sardines, albacore, trout, herring, walnut, flaxseed oil and canola oil. Omega 3 fatty acids are also present in shrimp, clams, light chunk tuna, catfish, cod, and spinach.


Omega 3 is excellent for the promotion of faster hair growth and helps your hair to be healthier, as it nourishes it from the inside, feeding the follicles to stimulate growth and shine.

Copyright 2005 David McEvoy

Dave McEvoy is an award winning personal trainer with over 20 years experience; he also runs a high quality health supplement website.

Facts About Hair and Hair Loss

The Production of Hair

The hair follicle is the factory where the hair and the hair coloring are produced. As you can see from the drawing, it is a complex mechanism.

The activity of each follicle in human beings is independent of the others (a mosaic pattern). Some animals shed their hair when warm weather comes: all the follicles go into the telogen or resting stage at one time. Human beings with healthy follicles, however, usually do not shed great amounts of hair. Since ninety percent of healthy hair follicles are in the growing stage at all times, no loss of hair is evident.

The hair matrix at the base of the follicle is where the action takes place. The cells in this area produce keratin, the tough protein of which the hair is made, and melanin which stains the keratin giving the hair its color. This action takes place only during the growing stage of the hair cycle.

You can also see in the drawing that the follicle is nourished by a network of capillaries. These capillaries are the delivery system bringing nutrients (amino acids, vitamins, minerals) to the base of the follicle. The amount of blood available to the scalp and therefore to the follicles is determined by the health of the capillaries in the scalp and the arteries in the neck and temples.

Hair synthesis and melanin production are complex processes carried on deep in the follicle's core. Superficial cures for baldness like shampoos to unclog the follicles or tonics with active ingredients to stimulate hair growth just don't work.

The Role of Heredity

In order to interpret the biological role of heredity in hair loss it is necessary to differentiate between heredity and predisposition. Heredity is the genetic potential you are born with: eye color, skin color, hair color. These are the biological givens that are on your driver's license.

On the other hand, predisposition is the tendency of the body to acquire certain disorders: obesity, diabetes, hair loss. These are the things you don't like about yourself when you have an examination or look in the mirror.

Can you reverse predisposition? You can't eliminate the predispositions of the body but you can often contain them. For example, if you have the predisposition to obesity or diabetes, you can elect to change your life style. You can go on a low-calorie diet stressing fruits and vegetables. You can also exercise every day or at least keep active.

The same is true about the predisposition to hair loss. Generic Proscar, Gneric Propecia, and Dutasteride (Avodart) will all counteract the predisposition to baldness. The approximately one hundred thousand hairs on the human scalp once they leave the hair canal are biologically dead. They can be dyed and curled and straightened, but they cannot be coaxed back to luxuriant teenage health by anything a barber or a beautician or a health food store can offer. Please browse around the other pages on this Web site for ideas that might legitimately help you to halt hair loss and possibly grow new hair.

However there are solutions for hair loss.There are many online hair loss medications available like generic Propecia (Finpecia),Generic Proscar (Fincar).for more information on how generic propecia and generic proscar works,their dosage etc visit

For more information on hair loss medications you can visit following:

Hair Loss It's Your Own Fault

There are many causes of hair loss, but if you aren?t keeping your body in check with a common sense health regime then more than likely you?re contributing to your own hair fall. This is especially true if:

1. You don?t exercise. If you do not exercise then the chances are tiny capillaries supplying blood to the scalp are becoming smaller and smaller. This shrinkage reduces the capillaries capacity to supply nutrients to follicles for hair growth. Eventually the follicle will recede then permanently die. At the very least go for a brisk walk once or twice a week, better yet go cycling or swimming.

2. You are still smoking. Not only does smoking cause capillaries to shrink but it also causes the damage to the DNA in the hair follicles. Damaged DNA cannot make the necessary proteins for new hair growth. Not only that, but also smoking causes a rise in free radicals. Free radicals are a destructive force in the body and can cause inflammation. Inflammation is strongly linked with hair loss.

3. You don?t eat healthily. If your body is not receiving enough nutrients to sustain itself efficiently then it will sacrifice functions like hair growth to keep more vital functions running. A healthy balanced diet means eating plenty of protein, healthy levels fats (cut down on saturated fats, but increase the healthy ones) and getting carbohydrates from mainly complex sources such as brown rice and whole grain bread. Just as vital are vitamins and minerals, at the very least you should be getting a total of five fruits and vegetables a day ? the more the better. Adding a daily multivitamin tablet on top of that will help too. Other health food stuff like green tea may also help prevent balding.

4. You don?t relax. Stress is a massive factor in premature balding. Anxiety causes stress hormones to be released into the body, some of those hormones are devastating to hair growth. Sleep is a big factor in this, getting adequate deep sleep can really help balance your hormone levels. Yoga and meditation are two other great ways to try and relieve stress.

Remedy For Hair Loss Information On Hair Loss Treatments!

Hair loss is pretty common in both men and women. In men it usually begins in middle age often resulting in baldness. In women, hair loss can be due to various factors. One is hereditary; the second can be due to hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, the hormonal imbalance usually leads to a heavy loss of hair. This problem however goes away after delivery.

There are many home-based remedies for hair loss. The remedies include both external application eating and drinking healthy food and exercise. Stress is also one of the major causes of hair loss. Therefore it is essential t lead a stress free life as far a possible.

The following are some of the remedies that can help prevent help hair loss. Chose the one that you are comfortable with.

Use good hair oil every day.
Apply coconut milk and allow the scalp to dry before taking a bath.
Boil dried hibiscus flowers in coconut oil and apply to the hair regularly.
This will not only help arrest falling hair but will also make the hair long and beautiful.
Herbal shampoos will also help you to keep the hair healthy and stop hair from falling. Always use a wide toothed comb, as this will not exert pressure on the root.

Hair when disturbed from the root will fall in course of time. Limejuice can be applied to the scalp and allowed to dry for some time before taking a head bath. This will arrest falling hair by keeping the scalp clean and healthy.

You can also apply a paste of Fenugreek seeds soaked overnight and apply it all over the scalp. Allow it to sink in for about an hour before taking a bath.

Regular use of castor oil for your hair will also help in keeping hair healthy and prevent hair loss.

Most of the problems relating to hair loss arise from diseases of the scalp. Therefore do not neglect scalp diseases. Apply medicines and ointment fro treating scalp diseases.

Dandruff is also one of the culprits for hair loss. Treat dandruff with anti-dandruff shampoos.

If the problem is severe use medicines as prescribed by your doctor.

Simple home remedies can help prevent hair loss. However, the key to a lasting solution is following up the home remedies regularly. The grooming and care should b on a continuous basis for preventing hair loss. Remember that regular and proper care is the only remedy for hair loss.

Venkata Ramana is the writer of Hair Loss Remedy blog. Read his informative reports about Hair Loss Solution and get rid of Hair loss forever!

Learning to Live With Your Wheelchair Choices

Wheelchairs are many things to many different people. They may be a short term aid for recovery or they may be long term primary meanings of locomotion. Which other ways you use them may vary but one thing is for sure, the modern wheelchair is a modern marvel in design compared to 100 years ago. Wheelchairs are divided into 2 main categories, the manual wheelchair and the power wheelchair. Both have advantages and disadvantages. The manual wheel chair is dived into two categories, the folding frame and the rigid frame. The folding wheelchair folds together (wheel against wheel) for easy compact transportation. The disadvantage of the folding frame is that they are heavier than a one piece rigid frame. The one piece rigid frames have no scissor arms that are needed for folding so a rigid chair frame is much light weight. Rigid frames are sometimes referred to as sport wheelchairs. Combined with new light weight metals like titanium, they are having the weight of the folding wheelchair.

There are manual wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs to choose from also. The advantages of each are contrasted with drawbacks. The manual wheelchair can be picked up and placed into the truck of a vehicle. Plus the manual wheelchair gives the user a physical workout in arm exercise. The power wheel chair gives you a 20 mile range in effortless locomotion. However the operating provides no physical exertions at all. The electric wheelchair can weigh over 200 pounds. Plus you must remember to recharge the battery ever night. They have a limited distance they travel on one charge that usual requires all night.

Dennis Evans has been in a wheelchair for 13 years. Check out my website that discribes all about the different wheelchair companies and wheelchair choices.

Hair Removal Tips For Men And Women

I'm not a big believer in universal statement unless it's absolutely 100% truthful. When I read about a hair removal option offering permanent hair removal or painless hair removal I'm sceptical.

When it comes to hair removal, you'll quickly find that you need separate fact from fiction, truth from hype. Just because a product is marketed as offering something, it doesn't mean that it actually does it or that it will work for you specifically.

Here are some hair removal tips to consider when you are weighing your options for hair removal.

  • Ensure your chosen hair removal practitioner has the necessary training, skills and experience to perform the treatment. This is especially true in the case of laser and light-based treatment.
  • Understand all possible side effects before undergoing any treatment.
  • Learn to tell the difference between fact and hype when it comes to marketing claims about various hair removal options.
  • Fully understand the treatment plan of the option you choose ie. how often will you have to take treatment? The more treatments = more cost to you.
  • When appropriate (ie. with laser and light-based treatments) check to see if the processes are government approved.
The bottom line is to ensure you do your research and properly weight your options and the cost, possible side effects and effectiveness of each.

Temporary and permanent hair removal technology is evolving constantly and is relevant to both men and women who want to remove unwanted hair.

For more information on hair removal options, visit

Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Hair!

Hair loss in men

Hair loss and thinning hair have been sensitive issues for men throughout time. Recently, medical science has eventually identified the main cause of hair loss. At present, it's a known medical fact that hair loss stems from both genetic and hormonal causes. Androgenetic Alopecia or even male pattern hair loss is implicated in ninety five percent of hair loss cases. The key is a hormonal byproduct called DHT (dihydrotestostrone). The even more DHT that gets put into your body, the even more your hair follicles turn into thinner and finer until the hair is permanently wasted.

DHT and hair loss

DHT is 1 of many male hormones in the body. DHT is developmentally vital early in a man?s life; however, it appears to be a cause of hair loss as men get older. DHT shrinks the hair follicle until it no longer produces obvious hair.

Doctors believe that excess DHT is an apparent cause of hair loss The causes of hair loss aren't well defined; however, researchers have uncovered that men with male pattern hair loss have increased levels of DHT in the balding area of their scalps. Individual hair usually follows a cycle of expansion, falling out, and new expansion. However increased levels of DHT are believed to contribute to the shortening of the expansion phase and a shortening of the time it takes for the hair to fall out. This results in thinning of the hair on the scalp.

Provillus blocks DHT (dihydrotestostrone) from getting to your body, which is 1 of the major causes of hair loss. The Breakthrough formula of Provillus was designed to block DHT and supply the proper foods to your body specifically tailored to block hair loss and to help you regrow hair naturally. Strong, sound hair begins with the proper nutritional building blocks. You do not have to hold off until there's a problem to end it! Provillus supplements your body's natural supply of these vitamins and lets the tiny follicles below your scalp receive exactly what they want to manufacture beautiful, full-bodied hair.

Active Ingredients For Hair Loss And Regrow Hair!

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that survives in 3 major chemical forms: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine. It performs a wide kind of functions for your body and is essential for your fantastic health and hair expansion. For instance, vitamin B6 is needed for even more than one hundred enzymes involved in protein metabolism. It's also essential for red blood cell metabolism. The nervous and resistant systems require vitamin B6 to function efficiently, and it's also needed for the conversion of tryptophan to niacin.

Biotin is section of the Vitamin B complex and is a vitamin supplement necessary for sound hair, scalp and nails. Biotin will help with the condition of the hair and the scalp as well. Just put...Biotin is Hair Food.

Magnesium is an essential mineral and plays an crucial role in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, neuromuscular transmission bone structure and hair expansion.

Zinc is necessary for a fit body, and is also of apply in fighting skin problems like acne, boils and sore throats. It's further needed for cell division, and is needed per tissue of the hair, nails and skin to be in top form. Zinc is further utilized in the expansion and maintenance of muscles.

Saw Palmetto acts by lowering DHT in the body and by blocking five alpha-reductase. Saw palmetto blocks the receptor sites on cell membranes that are expected for the absorption of DHT. Since Saw palmetto blocks the employ of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a similar causative factor in Androgenetic Alopecia, it's a powerful herb in this hair expansion formulation.

Nettle root blocks two enzymes, 5a-reductase, which makes the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and aromatase enzyme, which makes estrogens. Studies showed that nettle root extract was efficient in inhibiting these two enzymes which was a leading cause of hair loss.

Gotu Kola is related to the and supports the integrity of hair expansion, collagen and skin. It can help heal minor wounds and skin irritations, help assure blood vessel integrity, and promote circulation throughout the body, including to the brain. A long-standing tonic rejuvenator, it's said to help concentration and memory.

Pumpkin (Cucurbita Maxima) The oil extract from pumpkin seeds is also a natural hair loss remedy that is believed to effect levels of testosterone in the body. The beneficial effects of pumpkin seed extract as a hair loss guide are however under investigation. It's believed that the extract infects the androgen levels of diseases and so might have an influence on the androgens that are responsible for hair loss.

Eleuthero Formerly Siberian Ginseng, (Glandular) is a member of the ginseng family, though it's of a different genus than more popular ginsengs like the Panax kind. Along with more ginsengs, it's an extended history of being utilized to help restore concentration, increase energy and promote fit hair and nail expansion.

Uva-Ursi soothes, strengthens, and tightens irritated & inflamed tissues. The herb neutralizes acidity in the urine, increasing urine flow, so reducing bloating & water retention, making it beneficial for hair expansion.

Muria Puama plays an significant role in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, neuromuscular transmission bone structure and hair expansion for both men and women. Also help with stress management, nervous system stimulation, virility, and overall health.

For more information about hair regrow and stop hair loss please visit Hair Regrow And Stop Hair Loss

Ways to Treat Baldness

So, you've just looked in the mirror and realized that your hair line is receding. You can no longer ignore the layers of hair on your pillow each morning and you can't blame the shower clogging on your significant other any more. You're losing your hair! You're going bald! How will you deal with it?

It's normal. Yes, it may be a bit embarrassing at first, and probably a blow to the ego. However, just be glad you live in the 21st century. You won't be relegated to sporting a shiny top for the rest of your life; there are options - and one to surely fit your lifestyle and budget.

First off, most everyone who has a TV can't help but to have heard a commercial or two about Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasterida (Propecia). Both of these prescription medications have been used quite effectively to slow down the loss of hair. In some individuals, Rogaine has helped to actually stimulate hair re-growth but this exciting phenomenon doesn't occur in all cases. The key to using both of these medications is early detection.

Hair transplants and surgical procedures are another, albeit more expensive and drastic, form of treating baldness. Some individuals choose to use a hair graft, taking sections of the scalp skin containing hair and moving them to regions without hair.

Others opt to have a scalp reduction performed thus decreasing the amount of scalp that is hairless. The areas with hair are then stretched to cover up the regions where the hairless scalp was removed.

Other less invasive and expensive forms of living with baldness include hair weaves, hairpieces, specific styling techniques and hair care products.

In today's day and age there are enough options for alopecia that anyone with this condition who so desires can choose one that's right for them.

Rachel Dayer runs and operates, a health related portal.

Choice Curling Irons And Tips for an Amazing Do

This appliance can give a fabulous appearance with very little time investment. And while it's easy to enhance one's do with the use of a curling iron, not all curling irons are made the same. Regardless of which model you choose, don't forget to spritz your hair with some hairspray, or else they may lose their curl when your night has not even ended yet!

One more useful technique in applying a curling iron is dealing with the hair's ends. Placing them under or flipping these ends a bit wildly will work wonders. A curling iron is an all-around device enough to curl specifically the strands that needed curling in whichever way a person wishes to have. Even if the need is to just curl more small parts of the hair, a curling iron can be successful in curling your whole hair as well. It might be a tedious job for some as a curling iron may consume about five minutes or less to forty-five minutes onwards, depending on the hair type and the intricacy of the style one wishes to achieve.

Our top 4 choice curling irons are:

1. Farouk CHI 1-inch Ceramic Ionic Spring Curling Iron

This is very effective in creating your own personal styles. It includes heat settings, a swivel cord, a professional spring grip, 1-inch diameter barrel, and assurance that it curls hair quickly and efficiently. It is made of Plastic, ceramic, titanium, and rubber. It has a dimension of 12 in. x 3 in. x 5 in.

2. Conair 2-in-1 Straightener and Curling Iron

Its technology glides across the hair's surface easily, distributing heat evenly for silky, smooth, and conventional styling results. All components are imported with a size of 3.8 x 0.5 x 15.0. Among its features are:

- 60-second instant heat-up

- Optional turbo heat features that increases temperature up to 68 degrees which maximizes results, locking in the style

- It has a uniformed heat recovery feature maintains optimum temperature for consistent styling

- With 25 variable heat settings

- Automatically turns off

- Maintains a cool tip

- With a 6' line cord

3. Vidal Sassoon Gold-Plated Professional High-Heat Curling Iron 2

Has a high heat - no heat loss capacity that stays at set temperature curl after curl. For fine, thin hair - heat level is 1-6, wavy to medium hair - 7-12, thick hair - 13-18, and for coarse, hard-to-curl hair - 19-25.

Characterizes with:

- 2 barrel that creates large, loose curls

- 25 heat settings to customize the heat to any hair type

- With 60 second fast heat-up

- High-heat - but definitely no heat loss; which stays at set temperature curl after curl

- Glamorous with 24K Gold-plated barrel that heats better and last longer

- Auto-Off

- On indicator light

- It has a cool tip

- Comes with a safety stand

- Tangle-proof swivel cord

- Worldwide Dual Voltage for convenient use when travelin

- New Soft-Grip Handle

- With one-year limited warranty

4. 1 1/2 Jumbo Curling Iron for Hair

Among its features are:

-2 heat settings

-60 second heat up

-comes also with a 24k gold plated barrel

-power indicator light

-conveniently has a safety tip and safety stand with tangle free swivel cord.


-Look for a curling iron with not only one but multiple settings. This will allow selecting the enough amount of heat level for the hair.

-That using curling irons for too long or too often can dry out and sometimes burn the hair. Pay special attention to the number of usage each week and potential split ends. Trimming the hair on a regular basis can be a precaution of avoiding the damage to go up to the hair shaft.

-Curling irons come in different sizes. The narrower the barrel, the tighter and lasting the curl.

For more great curling iron related articles and resources check out

Roman Chair Hyperextension Bench as Part of a Spine Rehabilitation Program for Back Pain

To help answer the question of whether hyper extension exercises on a roman chair are appropriate as part of your spine rehabilitation program, first let me provide some background information on the subject. Then, I will describe the muscle control problems that arise with back pain. Next, we need to establish goals for rehabilitation and determine the specific training requirements to obtain those goals. And finally, I will describe the inherent problems of traditional roman chairs, followed by a solution.

Muscle Control during Optimal Health
Research has shown that there are two types of muscles: Superficial strength muscles, and deep stabilizing muscles. Each has its own unique characteristics.

Think of the superficial strength muscles as ?sprinter-type? muscles. These muscles contain the same type of muscle fibers that are highly developed in the legs of Olympic sprinters. They are great for producing speed during a 100 meter dash but poor for endurance during a marathon. In contrast, the deep stabilizing muscles are more like ?marathon-type? muscles (superior for endurance but poor for speed).

In healthy individuals, the primary role of the superficial strength muscles of the lower back and abdomen is to move the torso. (Torso is defined as: The human body excluding the head, neck, and limbs. This part of the body is also known as the trunk. So, these muscles move the rib cage, lumbar spine, and pelvis.) They are also responsible for controlling trunk posture during high-level activities. These activities may include: lifting, pushing, pulling, jumping, running, and other ballistic (fast) movements of the limbs.

In contrast, the deep stabilizing muscles of the back and abdomen are used to provide continuous postural adjustments of the torso throughout the day during low-level activities. Some examples of low-level activities are: sitting, standing, moving from a seated to standing position, walking, and slow (non-ballistic) movements of the limbs.

Muscle Control Problems that Arise with Back Pain
After experiencing back pain, the brain?s strategy for maintaining trunk posture changes to a simplified, inferior strategy. First, the deep stabilizing muscles stop working properly. Second, the superficial strength muscles of the trunk become over-active and their muscle fibers shorten up to restrict trunk range of motion.

This over-active/shortening-up response is recognized by experts as the brain?s attempt to lock up and protect the painful segments of the torso during the acute phase of injury. This compensation pattern typically continues after it is no longer necessary during the chronic phase of back pain (when the injured soft tissue structures have healed).

The strategy of using ?sprinter-type? muscles to try to maintain trunk posture throughout the day is like forcing an Olympic sprinter to compete in a marathon, instead of the 100 meter dash. Obviously, the sprinter?s muscles are built for speed, not endurance. So to say the least, this strategy would not be very efficient. But, other problems arise secondary to muscle fatigue and subsequent muscle spasm which result in disc & joint compression.

Goals for Rehabilitation & Specific Training Requirements
Just as the goals and specific training requirements for sprinters are different than for marathon runners, there are also vast differences in the goals and specific training requirements for a rehabilitation program versus a core fitness routine.

In rehabilitation, one of our goals would be to release the superficial strength muscles. (Remember that they have ?locked up? the injured region of the spine.) This is accomplished through slow, low-load, pain-free movement patterns focused on lengthening the superficial strength muscles while relaxed. This is something I describe to my patients as a relaxed muscle release exercise (not to be mistaken as a muscle-stretch exercise).

Although it is true that we must stretch the fascia and related non-contractile tissues, it is important to recognize that muscles must be released while relaxed. This is required in order to reset the muscle spindles that control the set-point of resting tone and muscle length.

The idea of a relaxed muscle release exercise is definitely a change in mind-set. What it means is that typical hyper extension exercises performed on a roman chair bench are not appropriate for the initial stages of rehabilitation for chronic back pain.

If the superficial strength muscles of the back and abdominal wall are over-active (contracting too much) and the muscle fibers are shortened up to restrict trunk range of motion, then ?strengthening? exercises would not be the proper type of exercise for rehabilitation.

Our next goal would be to retrain the deep stabilizing muscles in their role as the primary trunk stabilizers during low-level activities. This is difficult to achieve in a person with chronic back pain since the superficial strength muscles are attempting to perform that role by over-contracting and shortening up to restrict motion in the previously injured region of the torso. Therefore, an aggressive exercise utilizing a roman chair that emphasizes the superficial strength muscles of the torso and hips may neglect to activate the deep stabilizing muscles appropriately. A more specific training approach is required.

One important deep stabilizing muscle of the back is called lumbar multifidus. This muscle attaches at each segment of the lumbar spine down to the sacrum and pelvis. The specific training that I recommend on a back exercise machine is a slow, low-load extension movement occurring at each vertebra, instead of holding the curve of the lower back in a locked position while moving through the hips. This exercise should be easy enough to perform 30 repetitions without fatigue.

The Problem and the Solution
The specific training requirements for lumbar multifidus rehabilitation are not likely to be achieved as part of a home exercise program on a traditional roman chair hyper extension bench. The design of the traditional 90-degree exercise angle is too difficult and not properly designed to promote the specific training requirements of spine rehabilitation. This type of roman chair will emphasize the hamstrings, buttocks and superficial strength muscles of the lower back. It is also likely that training on the 45-degree exercise angle will be too difficult and not specific enough.

Fortunately, a solution has been developed that may be designated as a hybrid of the roman chair hyper extension bench. It?s called the Back Trainer Medic by Kettler (made in Germany). The Back Trainer Medic was designed to assure the correct movement pattern, so the individual segments of lumbar multifidus are trained appropriately. The torso pad is curved and the height of the pad is adjustable so it guides the user through the correct motion of the torso for spinal rehabilitation.

The specific exercises that I show my patients to perform on the Back Trainer Medic fulfill both goals that I addressed earlier in this article: First, releasing the superficial strength muscles of the back (via relaxed muscle release exercises), and second, retraining the deep stabilizing muscle of the back, called lumbar multifidus (via a slow, low-load extension movement occurring at each vertebra). The specific exercises are also demonstrated on a DVD video so my patients can watch it at home as an additional guide.

The Back Trainer Medic has six levels of difficulty. The easiest level is easier to perform than the 45-degree exercise angle of a roman chair, so it is more appropriate for the initial stages of spinal rehabilitation. This allows the user to progress to higher levels of difficulty while the lumbar multifidus muscles adapt by improving motor control and increasing in size. Another advantage is that this machine virtually eliminates the hamstrings from the exercise so that your efforts are more specifically focused on training the lumbar multifidus muscles.

Dr. Knudsen is a practicing physical therapist who specializes in rehabilitation of chronic back and neck pain at Back Trainer Institute. For more information on the Back Trainer Medic or for other information on related topics, visit

Shaving Tips: Getting A Clean Shave

Through trial and error, my shaving tips are ones I've tended to find out over time based on personal experience.

Personally, I've found that I get the best overall results shaving my face with an electric shaver with a built-in lotion dispenser. I got this new lotion-dispensing shaver in 2005 and in my opinion, it's a great product. With my new shaver, I cut myself very infrequently, I get no skin irritation and get a close shave. I don't plan on going back to a manual razor to shave my face anytime soon.

I also shave my head and prefer to stick with a manual razor. I find a manual razor is quicker to use in this case. I use a good quality razor with disposable shaving cartridges. Again, I cut myself very infrequently although I think that my use of a good quality razor goes a long way to accomplish this. I learned the hard way that using a cheap disposable razor didn't work on my skin.

Here are some general shaving tips that work for me:

1. Find a good shaving device ? whether it's a manual razor or electric shaver ? that gives you the results you are looking for. If you cut frequently with a manual razor, you might consider an electric shaver like the one I use since they tend to produce fewer cuts.

2. Replace disposable razor blades before they wear out. Dull blades tend to cause skin irritation, poor shaving results and cuts especially if you find yourself pressing down too hard on the razor to compensate for the dulled blade.

3. Before you start shaving, ensure your face is moist (ie. with water) and use a good quality shaving cream or gel.

4. Avoid shaving against the grain. In other words shave in the direction of the hair growth. Shaving in the opposite direction of the hair growth can irritate skin and cause ingrown hairs.

5. Try using a face moisturizer after shaving to help protect your skin. I've found that it's preferable to using aftershave.

You'll also find that you get better shaving results when you don't shave immediately after waking up. You tend to get better results by getting up and waiting perhaps 20 minutes ? perhaps after you've showered ? before shaving to allow your skin to flush out fluids that built up overnight.

With experience, you'll most likely find out what works best for you and more specifically, what your skin prefers.

Temporary and permanent hair removal technology is evolving constantly and is relevant to both men and women who want to remove unwanted hair.

For more information on hair removal options, visit

Hair Salon Nightmares? Here's How To Choose A Good One

The number one thing that you can do to guarantee that you always receive the best hair cuts, latest professional techniques and stellar service is to choose the right hair salon. Granted, that is easier said than done. With hair salons on practically every street corner, narrowing down your options to find the right hair salon can be confusing.

Getting a referral to a hair salon by family and friends could be a good way to begin your search. But do not stop there. As you may already know, no two hair stylists take the same artistic approach to their work. That means that a particular stylist or hair salon may do a fantastic job on your Cousin Suzie's long layers and still not be quite able to pull off your short textured crop. That does not mean that your cousin's hair salon is inferior in any way. It just means that you need to find a hair salon that is more suited to your particular style and needs.

The easiest way to find a hair salon suited to your needs is to ask people with hair styles similar to what you want for a referral to their hair salon. These may be people you know or complete strangers that you see while you are out shopping. Do not be shy. If you see a cute style that you have been unsuccessfully trying to achieve, ask the person which hair salon they go to. You may never get a chance to do so again.

Another thing that you can do to make sure that you choose the right hair salon is to schedule a consultation. A consultation allows you to feel out a hair salon before making a commitment to a stylist that you may regret. During a consultation, you can observe the different techniques that the staff at the hair salon is using and how they interact with their customers. A consultation also gives you the chance to vocalize what you want and receive feedback from a professional, all before the first snip is made. Most hair salons also have a portfolio that you can look through of before and after pictures, which can give you a sense of what kind of work do.

During your search for the right hair salon, there are some red flags that can be easily detected that can warn you of impending disaster if you choose a particular hair salon. Here are just a few:

* Dirt and grime. A clean hair salon is mandated by the state, but some salons still tend to push the envelope where cleanliness is concerned. Look for sanitary procedures such as the use of clean combs and brushes, sanitary neck strips and a clean work station. If a hair salon feels dirty, do not frequent it. Look at it this way, if the stylists of a particular salon do not take enough pride in their hair salon to keep it clean, why would they take pride in the work they put out the door?

*Professionalism. The hair salon is a professional place, and you should feel like you have stepped into a den of luxury not one more suited to the Saturday nightlife. Again, it's all about pride. Professionals who take pride in their work will strive to create the right atmosphere for their customers.

*Communication. Communication is vital in a hair salon. Observe how the stylists interact with their customers. That is how they will interact with you.

In the end, it may take a little trial and error to find the right hair salon, but you can make your search easier by following the above advice. Always keep in mind, though, that choosing the wrong hair salon is not a death sentence. Simply brush yourself off and keep looking.

Michael Barrows' website gives great advice for good hair. Get your free ebook packed with hair style and hair care tips and advice, visit the great hair styles website.

Laser Hair Removal Techniques

There are many different techniques to remove unwanted hair. Some of these include waxing, shaving, coils, electrolysis and laser. Although each has its advantages and disadvantages, they all perform the same function. That is removing unwanted hair.

One such technique that has become quite popular these days is laser hair removal. This technique works by using a laser on the hair at a specified wavelength that emits a specialized light. The light from the laser is passed through the skin and is absorbed by the hair follicle. This light actually targets the melanin (colour) in the hair follicle and damages it, thereby causing the hair to fall out. Interestingly, the use of certain laser for removing hair has been approved by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although the technique is popular, there are advantages and disadvantages of using this method.

Advantages of Laser Hair Removal

The laser hair removal process has advantages in that larger areas can be treated. In addition it is also safe enough to be used on all parts of the body such as the face, back, underarm, bikini line, legs and arms. Compared to electrolysis, it is less painful as the laser only causes a slight burning sensation compared to the needle prick feeling of electrolysis. Unlike shaving or waxing, laser hair removal is usually long lasting.

Disadvantages of Laser Hair Removal

One disadvantage for laser hair removal is that not everyone is the perfect candidate for this type of treatment. Those with lighter skin and dark hair have a much higher chance of permanent hair removal than grey, red or blonde hair. In addition, those with dark skin or who are tanned are also not good candidates as the laser may cause damage to their skin due to high pigment levels. The reason being is that dark hair contains a pigment called eumelanin which effectively absorbs more laser energy and therefore results in more effective destruction of the hair follicle. Due to the higher effectiveness of the treatment towards dark haired fair skin patients, it leads to fewer treatment and is therefore less costly. Other the other hand, grey, red and blonde hair contain a pigment called pheomelanin that absorbs less laser energy reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. Therefore extra treatment is required for the same effect. So before you sign up for this treatment, make sure you know the principal of this treatment. If you are not an ideal candidate, be prepared for extra treatment charges.

Laser hair removal is expensive due to the multiple treatments required. The reasons is that hair grows in a cycle that ranges from approximately 6 to 12 weeks and this is the amount of time that it takes hair to grow from the base of the follicle to the surface of the skin. As hair grows during these cycles, only a portion of the hair is being treated during this growth period with each laser treatment. Therefore multiple treatments (approximately four to eight depending upon your colour of your hair and skin) are required during this growth period. This is so that each treatment allows total coverage on all hairs during the various growth cycle. This can range from approximately a four to eight week interval. As discussed above, darked hair patients with fair skin require less treatment.

The average cost per treatment ranges from $500 and about four sessions are required. Again, this number will differ depending upon the size of the area treated and the colour of your skin and hair. To get an exact cost, a consultation on pricing is an individual process and it is best to discuss this with the laser center.

Once you have decided to undertake this treatment, make sure it is performed by an experienced laser treatment centre. Due to different state regulations, there has been varying level of compliance with laser hair removal centres and this has resulted in improper treatment by unskilled clinics. Some states require a doctor to perform the treatment, whilst for others; anyone including ?unskilled? personnel can perform the treatment. Read the latest news on laser hair removal for more information. These improper unskilled clinic may result in burns (similar to sunburn), lesions, skin discolouration that can last several months, or patchy/patterned regrowth. One rule to remember is that cheaper is not always the best, so find the best laser hair removal centre around.

For more information on laser hair removal please visit Laser Hair News

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Laser Hair Removal Tips

So you have decided to immerse yourself in the fantasy of luxurious beauty that is going to define you as you go through the laser hair removal treatment. But the journey of the experience starts much before the actual permanent hair removal solution starts. There are several steps that you need to take before and after the laser hair treatment which will ensure that you have a quick, permanent and safe hair removal solution. Whether you are looking for laser hair, nyc or you are seeking laser hair removal, Houston the following discussion points are vital for the success of the treatment.

If you have just spent some time in a tanning bed or basking in the sun at your favorite beach, then do not opt for laser hair removal. The skin reaction of a tanned skin is not favorable when its under the laser treatment and might have some undesirable side effects. Of all laser hair removal tips, this is the most vital one. For people with a darker pigmentation i.e. darker skin color, a skin-lightening procedure such as bleaching should be undergone as a prerequisite to the laser hair removal treatment. However, this bleaching should not be done within the last 10 days to two weeks before the laser treatment. The other thing to keep in mind is the shorter the visible hair that needs to be removed, the better the effect of the lasers. So shaving of the unwanted hair a couple of days before the laser treatment will accelerate the effect of the lasers. Of course, it's a must that you consult your physician before you undertake this permanent hair removal solution for if you are suffering from an ailment like genital herpes or cold sores or skin acne, you might require to take some medication before going under the lasers.

Keeping these key laser hair removal tips in mind will guarantee you not just a great hair removal experience, but a personal after-glow of confidence and happiness that will stand you in good stead for a long time to come. Like we mentioned before, whether you are looking for laser hair, nyc or you are seeking laser hair removal Houston, no matter where you are, remember to act on these gems of wisdom!!

Visit our articles section at Laser Hair Removal Articles for more such practical advice and tips.

? 2005,Sam Natarajan. This article is courtesy of Laser Hair Removal For You!

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