Hair loss is pretty common in both men and women. In men it usually begins in middle age often resulting in baldness. In women, hair loss can be due to various factors. One is hereditary; the second can be due to hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, the hormonal imbalance usually leads to a heavy loss of hair. This problem however goes away after delivery.
There are many home-based remedies for hair loss. The remedies include both external application eating and drinking healthy food and exercise. Stress is also one of the major causes of hair loss. Therefore it is essential t lead a stress free life as far a possible.
The following are some of the remedies that can help prevent help hair loss. Chose the one that you are comfortable with.
Use good hair oil every day.
Apply coconut milk and allow the scalp to dry before taking a bath.
Boil dried hibiscus flowers in coconut oil and apply to the hair regularly.
This will not only help arrest falling hair but will also make the hair long and beautiful.
Herbal shampoos will also help you to keep the hair healthy and stop hair from falling. Always use a wide toothed comb, as this will not exert pressure on the root.
Hair when disturbed from the root will fall in course of time. Limejuice can be applied to the scalp and allowed to dry for some time before taking a head bath. This will arrest falling hair by keeping the scalp clean and healthy.
You can also apply a paste of Fenugreek seeds soaked overnight and apply it all over the scalp. Allow it to sink in for about an hour before taking a bath.
Regular use of castor oil for your hair will also help in keeping hair healthy and prevent hair loss.
Most of the problems relating to hair loss arise from diseases of the scalp. Therefore do not neglect scalp diseases. Apply medicines and ointment fro treating scalp diseases.
Dandruff is also one of the culprits for hair loss. Treat dandruff with anti-dandruff shampoos.
If the problem is severe use medicines as prescribed by your doctor.
Simple home remedies can help prevent hair loss. However, the key to a lasting solution is following up the home remedies regularly. The grooming and care should b on a continuous basis for preventing hair loss. Remember that regular and proper care is the only remedy for hair loss.
Venkata Ramana is the writer of Hair Loss Remedy blog. Read his informative reports about Hair Loss Solution and get rid of Hair loss forever!