Head Lice What Parents Need to Know

Head lice are small parasitic insects dwelling principally on the scalp and neck hairs and mainly affects school going children. Head lice are mainly passed on by direct hair to hair contact with another infected individuals hair, but could now and again be circulated via infested combs, caps or other hair accessories. When an individual becomes infested with head lice, it is most probable that all of the household will also become infested.

The lice feasts on the person's blood and the bite can cause itching. If you or a member of your family suffers from irritation and scratching of the scalp and back of the neck, head lice could be the cause. Close inspection of the head should reveal tiny, off-white or dark eggs (nits) firmly attached to the hair, chiefly at the nape of the neck and over the ears.

Hair lice can be eliminated with effective lice shampoo once it is used correctly. However many parents are concerned about using those particular products because they contain pesticides in most cases. Combing out the hair using a good metallic nit comb is a good and effective alternative for people who might concerned about the use of hair products which contain pesticides. Head Lice information

(c) Noel Hynes, 2005. HairLice.info

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